Monday, January 10, 2011

Married to Mr. Fix-it!!

Just a quick story.  
Yesterday, while the rest of the DFW area was coming home from church, sitting by the fire, watching the BEAUTIFUL snow fall to the ground, we were not!!
You see, I am married to a "fix it yourself" kind of guy.  I guess that is why he makes a great surgeon.  He loves to take things apart, see how they work, then fix them, and put them back together.
He can't stand to pay someone to do something that he is very capable of doing.  
I, on the other hand, feel God has given us each a gift.  Let the repair guys do what they know best, the doctors do what they know best, the car mechanic do what he knows best, etc.  You get my point!!
Well, not my man.  
We have just recently had a pump go out on the pool.  Not too big of a problem, since it is winter, and not a big fear of algae growing in the pool, but with these freezing temps, the pump had to be repaired, so that the water could flow and not freeze in the pipes and do serious damage.  
Ray has been tinkering with it for the last several days, we have had beautiful weather, so no problem.  But yes, Saturday night, the temp started dropping.  He and Jesse were out there in the rain trying to work.  They needed light, a dry space to work, and a little bit of warmer temps to finish the job and let the glue set up.  Not happening at 9pm at night.  Why is it that these things always seem to get stressed, and rushed into a tight schedule? (Thus, the feeling of the pickup truck flying down the road, I referred to in my first post!!)
Anyway, I came up with the brilliant idea of putting tarps over the equipment, and putting heat lamps in there, (actually, it was my Dad's idea from another repair time), just to get us through the night, except we almost melted one of the pipes, we saw the next day, but anyway!!!
The pipes made it through the night.
So, as we were leaving church on Sunday, and saw the breathtaking snow that was falling in huge flakes from heaven onto Cleburne, I enjoyed it only for a moment, knowing what lay ahead of us.
I asked Ray if he wanted to ask one of his "guy friends" to help him in this task, you know?, share the burden, scripture encourages us to do that.  He would have none of that, and said that he would be glad for me and Jesse to "share the burden. " 
We got home, bundled up in several layers, and out we marched, into what was quickly turning into snow mixed with sleet.  We put up some table and balanced some chairs on top of them on either side of the equipment, and stretched a plastic tarp over the top of us, to keep the area dry while Ray worked.  For the next couple of hours, Jesse and I ran back and forth, getting whatever Ray needed to keep working and eventually complete the job.  I felt like a scrub tech in a huge O.R. with freezing rain coming down.
After several hours and two trips to home depot, the job was finally done.  By that time, the snow had stopped, and it was just damp and cold.  Yuck.
But I have to say, he did fix it, and the pipes did not freeze last night, and we only had to pay with our time.  Way to go Ray!  Sometimes I am thankful that he is "Mr. Fix-it."
I only hope next time I get to "share in the burden" of Mr. Fix-it, that it is not in the freezing rain!!
Hope all of you, who are in our area, were able to enjoy the snow yesterday!!
In His grace,

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