Sunday, August 11, 2013

Honey, Honey!!

Quick update from the last post: Would you believe, Jesse's teacher ended up exempting him from that final test, so his grade came back up to what it was before he took the test!!! Hallelujah.  We are so thankful.  God worked even after school was out! Amazing.

Ok, on to the bees.  Our good friend, Dr. Flynn, came out a few weeks ago and we got to harvest our first batch of honey.  How fun for the whole family!  First of all, anything Dr. Flynn does, he makes it fun for all involved.  He has been our dentist for 10 years, and my kids beg to go to the dentist, if you can believe that.  We love Dr. Flynn, and Mrs. Flynn!!
Anyway, the first step in bee keeping is having the right suit, so Ray and Dr. Flynn geared up for the adventure. 

Then they headed out to the hives to see what they could find.

They were able to harvest some of the comb and brought it up to the house for the kids to help extract the honey.  You can see in the pictures below, Dr. Flynn showing the kids the comb, and teaching them about the bees.  What a treat!

Dr. Flynn's house had been hit by the tornado when it came through Cleburne, so he lost much of his bee keeping equipment.  His extractor had blown away somewhere, but that didn't stop him from being creative, and figuring out a way for us to get that honey out of the comb.
After removing the comb from the sheets, he asked if the girls had a clean pair of panty hose.  They had no clue why he wanted them, but we ended up using them to squeeze the honey out of the comb.  Boy was it messy, but fun.  
You can see it running all over Anna's hands!!

Honey went everywhere, and we ended up scraping honey off of almost everything in the vicinity!!!
Honestly, I have to say it was the best honey we have ever had, EVER!!! 
Thank you Dr. Flynn, for an awesome experience!! We are blessed.  And thank you Lord, for giving us the opportunity to do something Ray had been dreaming of.  
The scriptures about the honey and honeycomb mean so much more to us now that we got to experience this first hand.  We understand now, why Jonathan said in Samuel 14:27 "my eyes have been brightened" when he dipped his staff in the honey.  And Proverbs 16:24, where it says "Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones."
Have a "sweet" week in the Lord,